Hmm, things seems to be more suble :-)

I have tried a trick with using int *a; fun(int* &a); and it indeed
works but the address is trimmed no matter what type "a" is (int*,
long*, void*) and this causes problems.

21       int a1=0, a2=0;
(gdb) s
22       double *a3;
23       a3=NULL;
f1 (pf11=0x7fffffffe71c, pf12=0x7fffffffe718, pf13=0x7fffffffe710) at
17       return f2(pf11, pf12, pf13);
f2 (pf21=0x7fffffffe71c, pf22=0x7fffffffe718, pf23=0x7fffffffe710) at
6        stuff=calloc(1,sizeof(int));
7        if (!stuff) exit(-1);
8        *stuff=0xDEADBEEF;
9        printf("stuff[@%X]=%X\n", stuff, *stuff);
(gdb) p/x stuff
$1 = 0x800a04090
(gdb) p/x *stuff
$2 = 0xdeadbeef
(gdb) s
10       *pf21=stuff;
11       *pf22=*stuff;

The most important lines below:

12       *pf23=&stuff;
13       return 0;
(gdb) p/x pf23
$3 = 0x7fffffffe710
(gdb) p/x *pf23
$4 = 0xffffe6b0
(gdb) p/x &stuff
$5 = 0x7fffffffe6b0

&stuff is the address of the memory location. I want to write that
location to my pointer, but its trimmed although variable IS a
pointer. Maybe this is because of a type....

The most interesting part is the "*variable=value" construct because
without this we cannot get data out of the function. Even if we change
the address contained within a pointer variable we will get the data
from an old address!!! Note that below I did not use *variable=value
but simple variable=value, variable changed but it still points to the
old memory location (0x00 instead 0xdeadbeef)

(gdb) p/x &stuff
$1 = 0x7fffffffe6b0
(gdb) p/x stuff
$2 = 0x800a04090
(gdb) p/x *stuff
$3 = 0xdeadbeef
(gdb) s
10       *pf21=stuff;
11       *pf22=*stuff;
12       pf23=&stuff;
13       return 0;
(gdb) p/x &pf23
$4 = 0x7fffffffe698
(gdb) p/x pf23
$5 = 0x7fffffffe6b0
(gdb) p/x *pf23
$6 = 0x0

I think this is some memory corruption protection mechanism
implemented by a compiler...

Well I have to live with double pointers ;-P

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