
can you remove the magic incomplete number too?

In this case the "1533d9d". This number is useless in the subject:

[Openocd-development] openocd patch: 1533d9d cfi: unsupported code paths are 
now covered by asserts

Now we have 2 times openocd as static text left. Do you think we need it?



Am 28.10.2011 16:14, schrieb Peter Stuge:
> Jon Povey wrote:
>>> is there any chance to reduce the gerrit subject line to a
>>> normal length with more information at
>>> the beginning? Currently the subject consist of 50% static text
>>> at the beginning.
>>> [Openocd-development] New patch to review for openocd: XXXXXXX bugfixes:
>> I agree. maybe one or two characters of the commit-id are all I see
>> before the subject gets chopped off on my display.
> I just changed it to New openocd patch: xxx
>> In fact I would get rid of [Openocd-development] too.
> +1 but since this is a bit more established maybe give people time to
> change their filters? Or just change it and people will change after?
> //Peter
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