The current versions of the Eclipse "C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging" plugin
seem to be implemented poorly, as they do not request the ID of the
currently running when a breakpoint is hit. Hence the "focus" is not where
it should be.

If it is already working for you, you may not need to recompile GDB.

I just have a OpenOCD script which is used when connecting GDB, and put the
memory clear operation in that, but you may be able to put it in the reset


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Dumaresq [] 
Sent: 14 October 2011 23:42
Subject: RE: [Openocd-development] Info about RTOS support

Hi Evan, wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> You should be able to simply add something like the following to your
> config file: 
>      $_TARGETNAME configure -rtos auto

Thanx for your help !

> It should automatically detect the FreeRTOS instance.

It's work. 

> Additional notes:
> * You will probably need to rebuild GDB with this bug fixed:

It's seem to have a strange thing that happen when I put breakpoint. The Gdb
stop, but I cannot see where the PC are. All thread are stopped, but the
"focus" are not on the breakpoint. 
Is it a normal thing ?

As for the gdb bug, I have not compiled a new  one. I only use the one that
came with the toolchain. I use the codesourcery one. Do you have this
application builded somewhere that I can doownload it ? I'm on windows. 

> * You may need to use Eclipse Helios rather than Indigo, since Indigo
> seems to not display thread names 

I already use Helios. I have not upgraded my eclipse to Indigo. 

> * Your OpenOCD startup script should clear memory to avoid confusion
> due to old data persisting in RAM after reset: 
>      # clear RAM so that the rtos awareness does not detect threads
>      left in memory from previous run mww 0x20000000 0x00000000 0x4000

I will put his in my reset init call back ?

> Regards,
> Evan Hunter


Jonathan Dumaresq

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