I missed answering some parts of your email...

Making an option to turn it off should be simple, but is not currently 
implemented - I agree this should be done.

The standard GDB thread commands can be employed to use it. There are no 
special commands required.  The thread awareness is allows visibility of 
threads, stacks and locals for each thread, in the same way that native 
debugging does. If you use eclipse, or similar GUI front end, then the commands 
for retrieving threads and stacks are all automated, requiring only the "-rtos 
auto" config command.


-----Original Message-----
From: Øyvind Harboe [mailto:oyvind.har...@zylin.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2011 5:35 PM
To: Evan Hunter
Cc: openocd-development@lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Openocd-development] Automatic RTOS Detection

If OpenOCD goes sniffing around at memory locations that can mess
up e.g. debugging before memory controllers are set up and such.

I could be convinced to have it enabled by default, if we had an option
to turn it off. From a marketing point of view, having it enabled by default
if it almost always works is great!

I don't know how this feature works though... What does the user have
to do?

How does OpenOCD know whether the user is running FreeRTOS, ThreadX or

Øyvind Harboe - Can Zylin Consulting help on your project?
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