On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Tomek CEDRO <tomek.ce...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Carlson and thank you for your support! :-)
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Carlson Gary
> <gcarl...@carlson-minot.com> wrote:
>> I didn't realize there was a fork for SWD support, so my original attempt
>> was based on the master branch.  Nevertheless I cloned the fork that you
>> indicated and immediately ran into a number of compiler issues trying to
>> compile it on a Mac OS X platform.  The patch attachment covers most of the
>> changes necessary to address those problems.  These should be neutral for
>> other platforms, but you may want to make sure.
>> (..)

Tomek code prints pointers by casting to int and using format string "0x%08X".
-    LOG_INFO("New SWD context initialized at 0x%08X",

Carlson patch changes the cast to type intptr_t, and seams also using
64 bits since changes format string to "0x08lX"
+    LOG_INFO("New SWD context initialized at 0x%08lX",

A more appropriate way to print pointers is through the format string
"%p", that does not require casting and is portable across 32 and 64
Above line should be replaced with
+    LOG_INFO("New SWD context initialized at %p",
Tested across Linux x86 and Mac OS X x86-64

Best Regards,
Antonio Borneo
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