Am 22.07.2011 13:36, schrieb Andreas Fritiofson:
I don't see how this error could be caused by my patches. If I'm not
mistaken, none of them have run at this point. It fails during init, and
that code is unchanged with the exception of some indentation fixes and
AFAICT they're OK.
Can you reverify with unpatched tree?
Hi Andreas
I did:
$ cp openocd-rlink-patched openocd
$ cd openocd
$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ make clean
$ make all
$ src/openocd.exe -d -s tcl -f interface/rlink.cfg -f
This yields:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.5.0-dev-snapshot (2011-07-22-12:47)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
User : 11 15 command.c:557 command_print(): debug_level: 3
Debug: 12 15 configuration.c:45 add_script_search_dir(): adding tcl
Debug: 13 15 configuration.c:45 add_script_search_dir(): adding
Debug: 14 15 configuration.c:45 add_script_search_dir(): adding
Debug: 15 15 configuration.c:87 find_file(): found tcl/interface/rlink.cfg
Debug: 16 15 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_interface rlink
Debug: 17 15 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - interface ocd_interface
Warn : 19 15 adapter.c:167 handle_interface_command(): Adapter driver 'rlink'
did not declare which transports it allows; assuming legacy JTAG-only
Info : 20 15 transport.c:123 allow_transports(): only one transport option;
autoselect 'jtag'
Debug: 21 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 22 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 23 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 24 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 25 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 26 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 27 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 28 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 29 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 30 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 31 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 32 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 33 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 34 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 35 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 36 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 37 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 38 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 39 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 40 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 41 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 42 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 43 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 44 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 45 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_jtag'...
Debug: 46 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_svf'...
Debug: 47 15 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_xsvf'...
Debug: 48 15 configuration.c:87 find_file(): found tcl/board/stm3210c_eval.cfg
Debug: 49 15 configuration.c:87 find_file(): found tcl/target/stm32.cfg
Debug: 50 15 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_adapter_khz 1000
Debug: 51 15 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - adapter_khz
ocd_adapter_khz 1000
Debug: 53 15 core.c:1639 jtag_config_khz(): handle jtag khz
Debug: 54 15 core.c:1602 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface
specific speed value
Debug: 55 15 core.c:1602 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface
specific speed value
User : 56 15 command.c:557 command_print(): 1000 kHz
Debug: 57 15 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_adapter_nsrst_delay 100
Debug: 58 15 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - adapter_nsrst_delay
ocd_adapter_nsrst_delay 100
User : 60 15 command.c:557 command_print(): adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
Debug: 61 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_jtag_ntrst_delay 100
Debug: 62 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - jtag_ntrst_delay
ocd_jtag_ntrst_delay 100
User : 64 31 command.c:557 command_print(): jtag_ntrst_delay: 100
Debug: 65 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_jtag newtap stm32 cpu -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id
Debug: 66 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_jtag ocd_jtag newtap
stm32 cpu -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id 0x3ba00477
Debug: 67 31 tcl.c:575 jim_newtap_cmd(): Creating New Tap, Chip: stm32, Tap:
cpu, Dotted: stm32.cpu, 8 params
Debug: 68 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irlen
Debug: 69 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -ircapture
Debug: 70 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irmask
Debug: 71 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 72 31 core.c:1337 jtag_tap_init(): Created Tap: stm32.cpu @ abs position
0, irlen 4, capture: 0x1 mask: 0xf
Debug: 73 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_jtag newtap stm32 bs -irlen 5 -expected-id 0x06412041 -expected-id
0x06410041 -expected-id 0x16410041 -expected-id 0x06420041 -expected-id
0x06414041 -expected-id 0x06418041 -expected-id 0x06430041
Debug: 74 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_jtag ocd_jtag newtap
stm32 bs -irlen 5 -expected-id 0x06412041 -expected-id 0x06410041 -expected-id
0x16410041 -expected-id 0x06420041 -expected-id 0x06414041 -expected-id
0x06418041 -expected-id 0x06430041
Debug: 75 31 tcl.c:575 jim_newtap_cmd(): Creating New Tap, Chip: stm32, Tap:
bs, Dotted:, 16 params
Debug: 76 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -irlen
Debug: 77 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 78 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 79 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 80 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 81 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 82 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 83 31 tcl.c:592 jim_newtap_cmd(): Processing option: -expected-id
Debug: 84 31 core.c:1337 jtag_tap_init(): Created Tap: @ abs position
0, irlen 5, capture: 0x1 mask: 0x3
Debug: 85 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_target create stm32.cpu cortex_m3 -endian little -chain-position
Debug: 86 31 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_target ocd_target
create stm32.cpu cortex_m3 -endian little -chain-position stm32.cpu
Debug: 87 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_arm'...
Debug: 88 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_arm'...
Debug: 89 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_arm'...
Debug: 90 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_arm'...
Debug: 91 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_arm'...
Debug: 92 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_arm'...
Debug: 93 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_dap'...
Debug: 94 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_dap'...
Debug: 95 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_dap'...
Debug: 96 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_dap'...
Debug: 97 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_dap'...
Debug: 98 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 99 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 100 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 101 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 102 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 103 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 104 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 105 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 106 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 107 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 108 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 109 31 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 110 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 111 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 112 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 113 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 114 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 115 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 116 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 117 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 118 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 119 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 120 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 121 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 122 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 123 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 124 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 125 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 126 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 127 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 128 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 129 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 130 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 131 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 132 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 133 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 134 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 135 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 136 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 137 47 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_stm32.cpu configure -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size 0x8000
-work-area-backup 0
Debug: 138 47 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_stm32.cpu
ocd_stm32.cpu configure -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size 0x8000
-work-area-backup 0
Debug: 139 47 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_flash bank stm32.flash stm32x 0x08000000 0 0 0 stm32.cpu
Debug: 140 47 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_flash ocd_flash bank
stm32.flash stm32x 0x08000000 0 0 0 stm32.cpu
Debug: 142 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 143 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 144 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 145 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 146 47 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 147 47 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_cortex_m3 reset_config sysresetreq
Debug: 148 47 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_cortex_m3
ocd_cortex_m3 reset_config sysresetreq
User : 150 47 command.c:557 command_print(): cortex_m3 reset_config sysresetreq
Debug: 151 62 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_init
Debug: 152 62 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - init ocd_init
Debug: 154 62 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_target init
Debug: 155 62 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_target ocd_target init
Debug: 157 62 target.c:930 handle_target_init_command(): Initializing targets...
Debug: 158 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 159 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 160 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 161 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 162 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 163 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 164 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 165 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_reg'...
Debug: 166 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 167 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 168 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 169 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 170 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 171 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 172 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 173 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_mdw'...
Debug: 174 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_mdh'...
Debug: 175 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_mdb'...
Debug: 176 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_mww'...
Debug: 177 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_mwh'...
Debug: 178 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_mwb'...
Debug: 179 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_bp'...
Debug: 180 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_rbp'...
Debug: 181 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_wp'...
Debug: 182 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering 'ocd_rwp'...
Debug: 183 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 184 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 185 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 186 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 187 62 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 188 125 rlink.c:1595 rlink_init(): Opened device, pHDev = 00ebf528
Debug: 189 125 rlink.c:1615 rlink_init(): interface claimed!
Debug: 190 203 rlink.c:1661 rlink_init(): RLink firmware version: 0.0.3
Debug: 191 234 core.c:1602 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface
specific speed value
Debug: 192 234 core.c:1606 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
Debug: 193 297 core.c:1602 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface
specific speed value
Debug: 194 297 core.c:1606 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
Info : 195 297 core.c:1421 adapter_init(): clock speed 375 kHz
Debug: 196 297 openocd.c:137 handle_init_command(): Debug Adapter init complete
Debug: 197 297 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_transport init
Debug: 198 297 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_transport
ocd_transport init
Debug: 200 297 transport.c:255 handle_transport_init(): handle_transport_init
Debug: 201 312 core.c:713 jtag_add_reset(): SRST line released
Debug: 202 312 core.c:737 jtag_add_reset(): TRST line released
Debug: 203 312 core.c:329 jtag_call_event_callbacks(): jtag event: TAP reset
Debug: 205 531 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_jtag arp_init
Debug: 206 531 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_jtag ocd_jtag
Debug: 207 531 core.c:1435 jtag_init_inner(): Init JTAG chain
Debug: 208 531 core.c:329 jtag_call_event_callbacks(): jtag event: TAP reset
Debug: 209 531 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 3/0
Debug: 210 547 core.c:1055 jtag_examine_chain(): DR scan interrogation for
Debug: 211 547 core.c:329 jtag_call_event_callbacks(): jtag event: TAP reset
Debug: 212 547 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 71/64
Debug: 213 562 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 22/17
Info : 214 562 core.c:955 jtag_examine_chain_display(): JTAG tap: stm32.cpu
tap/device found: 0x3ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x3)
Info : 215 562 core.c:955 jtag_examine_chain_display(): JTAG tap:
tap/device found: 0x06418041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6418, ver: 0x0)
Debug: 216 562 core.c:1219 jtag_validate_ircapture(): IR capture validation scan
Debug: 217 562 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 10/3
Debug: 218 578 core.c:1280 jtag_validate_ircapture(): stm32.cpu: IR capture 0x01
Debug: 219 578 core.c:1280 jtag_validate_ircapture(): IR capture 0x01
Debug: 220 578 openocd.c:150 handle_init_command(): Examining targets...
Debug: 221 578 arm_adi_v5.c:987 ahbap_debugport_init():
Debug: 222 578 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 88/37
Debug: 223 593 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 115/46
Debug: 224 609 target.c:1606 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe000ed00, value:
Debug: 225 609 cortex_m3.c:1907 cortex_m3_examine(): Cortex-M3 r1p1 processor
Debug: 226 609 cortex_m3.c:1908 cortex_m3_examine(): cpuid: 0x411fc231
Debug: 227 609 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 65/26
Debug: 228 609 target.c:1606 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe0002000, value:
Debug: 229 625 cortex_m3.c:1925 cortex_m3_examine(): FPB fpcr 0x260, numcode 6,
numlit 2
Debug: 230 625 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 65/26
Debug: 231 625 target.c:1606 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe0001000, value:
Debug: 232 625 cortex_m3.c:1877 cortex_m3_dwt_setup(): DWT dwtcr 0x40000000,
comp 4, watch/trigger
Info : 233 625 cortex_m3.c:1934 cortex_m3_examine(): stm32.cpu: hardware has 6
breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Debug: 234 625 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_flash init
Debug: 235 625 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_flash ocd_flash init
Debug: 236 625 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 95/36
Debug: 237 640 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 239 656 tcl.c:912 handle_flash_init_command(): Initializing flash
Debug: 240 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 241 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 242 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 243 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 244 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 245 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 246 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 247 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 248 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 249 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 250 656 command.c:364 register_command_handler(): registering
Debug: 251 656 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_mflash init
Debug: 252 656 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_mflash ocd_mflash
Debug: 253 656 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 255 672 mflash.c:1331 handle_mflash_init_command(): Initializing mflash
Debug: 256 672 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_nand init
Debug: 257 672 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_nand ocd_nand init
Debug: 258 672 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 260 687 tcl.c:521 handle_nand_init_command(): Initializing NAND
Debug: 261 687 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command
type ocd_pld init
Debug: 262 687 command.c:151 script_debug(): command - ocd_pld ocd_pld init
Debug: 263 687 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 265 687 pld.c:232 handle_pld_init_command(): Initializing PLDs...
Debug: 266 797 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 267 906 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 268 1015 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 269 1125 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 270 1250 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 271 1359 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 272 1468 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 273 1578 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 274 1687 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 275 1797 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 276 1922 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 277 2031 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 278 2140 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 279 2250 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
Debug: 280 2359 rlink.c:507 dtc_run_download(): : 55/22
the last few lines continue forever.
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