On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Igor Skochinsky <skochin...@mail.ru> wrote:
> Hello Drasko,
> Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 12:00:11 AM, you wrote:
>>> DD> On the first look, this can be accomplished by reading CP0 PRId
>>> DD> register, but Revision field is not quite well explained.
>>> DD> I have no idea how to obtain info if the proc is MIPS32/64 Rev2 
>>> compliant.
>>> You should use the Config register (CP0 Register 16). AT field (bits
>>> 14:13) tells if it's MIPS32 or MIPS64, and AR (12:10) is the release.
> DD> Hi Igor,
> DD> thanks, I just took a quick look, and I thought that CP0 PRId would be
> DD> more appropriate. I saw that bits 7:0 encode the release, but I did
> DD> not get the codes - they are not well explained in the doc.
> I would expect that too, but it's not the case, apparently. Bits 7:0
> is the manufacturer-specific chip revision ID, not the ISA release.
> DD> Maybe CP0 Config would be a better place to look, though naming is not
> DD> suggestive - Config is used to configure your CPU (it should be RW)
> DD> and ID is where you want to read Read Only information...
> Actually, most of the fields in Config are read-only. Not very
> logical but that's how it is.
> DD> I will look tomorrow again, I do not have docs at my disposal now.
> DD> BTW. CP0 Config (reg 16) has 3 selects. Which one did you mention - 0,
> DD> 1 or 2 ?
> Select 0. See MIPS64 Arch vol 3 for more details.
> http://mips.com/products/architectures/mips64/#specifications

Hi Igor,
thanks a lot. I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning and maybe for
the first version implement just cache_sync() with synci if REV ==
REV2, else warning "No candies for you", as Spencer has suggested. I
thing it would be good to have something, at this look quite good as
the implementation, it's already there, plus I have been able to test
it and it gives good results.

For the second version I'll go towards mips32_c0_read/write()
functions and "cache" opcode implementation if REV != REV2, to support
older archs also...

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