I'm trying to figure out why Flash uploads are apparently slow on the
AT91SAM7 target with an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD adapter. This is with a
OpenOCD from git of early this week.
These are the speeds I get with different JTAG clock settings:
1MHz -> 5KB/sec
2MHz -> 7KB/sec
6MHz -> 8KB/sec
Comparing this to something like SAM-ICE on Windows this seems really slow.
(The SAM-ICE device says max 720KB/secs, gdb reports 873KB/sec which is
probably a bit off but it's still noticably a lot faster than the Olimex.)
Is there a known reason why this difference is so large?
ARM-USB-OCD hardware?
Adaptive clocking? (not on ARM-USB-OCD, but supported on SAM-ICE).
Some other issue related to OpenOCD itself?
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