>/My objective is not to block feature.Never,never,never ... But we have
/>/to avoid any trouble in generic ft2232 driver regarding specific layout.
/>/That's all.
/>/Your TCL bitbang will control the port of the FTDI from an higher level
/>/than FT2232.c. OK but you TCL bitbang is specific to the layout used.
/>/How do you accept or not the use of the TCL procedure, if you do not
/>/have the notion of layout in this function ???
/>/You have two solutions: You need to write a specifc driver (), or you
/>/need to filter the TCL bitbang action in the ft2232 generic driver. The
/>/filter must be specifc to the open layout ...
/>/The same is for SRST TRST control. The ft2232.c driver has specific
/>/functions for SRST TRST regarding layout used ... we have to do this for
/>/ANY other specific layout signal in the ft2232.c or write a specific
/>/I think there is an misunderstanding here. My reading of Tomek's emails
indicates there is a layout specific mechanism to filter which pins can be
bitbanged. The interface config file will define which pins can be bitbanged and
/Is this correct?
It should be, but it is not actually implemented.
Tomek, please confirm.
The bitbang filter mechanism is my suggestion, to avoid any bad io port
To make the thing robust, the bitbang filter mechanism must be
implemented in the ft2232.c and related to the layout enabled at
onpenocd initialization. The filter must not be a simple TCL itself,
since the selected layout at initialization can be bypassed.
Amontec JTAGkey-2 USB JTAG Dongles
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