On 15:25 Tue 07 Jun     , Laurent Gauch wrote:
> >
> >/If our ft2232.c patches are not merged quickly, Amontec Team will certainly
> >/>/ come with a new specific jtagkey.c API driver  instead of the ft2232.c 
> >/>/ driver.
> >/>/ The advantage with a specific Amontec JTAGkey API driver in openocd, 
> >will be
> >/>/ to see our patches merged in the minute, instead to wait 1 to 2 months 
> >...
> >/>/ also the ft2232.c will still be usable for the JTAGkey.
> >/
> >This is the solution, you will have your own driver to manage then :-)
> >But you will then create another DRIVER not API as the interface API
> >is already set :-)
> Yes, a specific jtagkey driver with a wrapper for the existing
> openocd API ! Yes, that's the idea.
> The user will be able to use the classic ft2232.c or the specific
> jtagkey.c as a jlink.c!
> Maybe that's the road to follow if our patches take so long time to
> be merged on ft2232.c.
except on jlink we have a 100% different API

sorry but duplicate code is wrong and will never help the maintainnce

if no-one reply to your for some times the maintainer will have to take a
decision, as a Maintainer I do simple if it looks good and the code make
I apply it. If it break something we can fix it or revert it later

> >I think project needs more support in cleanup and maintenance at the
> >moment, as there are some doubts on even more changing or complicating
> >existing code, creating your separate playground for testing new
> >features seems sensible.
> You're right.
> >Also if you want to make a release, make it
> >happen, do not expect other to do the job for you. Please note that
> >this is not against your ideas, the project simply needs to be cleaned
> >up and restructurized because it gets more and more complex with new
> >functionality that is still growing and can get out of control soon.
> >This is all kept koherent by only one (?) person that does not take
> >money for all this time and effort to keep things organized.
> OpenOCD should accept more maintener, with different maintener right
> levels (layers).
yes that could be a solution but a ft2232 maintainer MUST tkae care of other
hw design not be focused on one design only

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