>>>>> lead to the NULL pointer dereference in the time of jtag data scan
>>>>> execution (r is a automatic variable, local to the
>>>>> mips_ejtag_fastdata_scan() function) ?
>>>> Correction, not NULL pointer, but some trash value pointer from the
>>>> no longer valid stack.
>>> No, buf_get_u32 fills r[4]. The initial value does not matter.
>> No, I meant about r array. this array is a local variable allocated on
>> a stack. Where is it referenced again ? Outside of this function ? I
>> do not know very well the OpenOCD architecture, I am afraid that this
>> reference might be used during jtag data scan execute function and
>> that at this moment it will not be valid anymore (although I am
>> obviously wrong, since you confirm that it works and you saw no
>> sigfaults).
> Drasko is probably right here. This will crash and burn. At least
> sometimes/somewhere. Getting a segfault or even a consistent failure
> is not guaranteed.
> However, a more fundamental problem with this code is that it uses the
> in_field before the jtag queue is likely to have been executed. Most
> of the times it would just set *data to whatever garbage that was on
> the stack where r[] got allocated.

Yes, you are absolutely right. I overlooked to add jtag_execute_queue().

> The correct way to handle host/target endianness swapping without
> forcing a queue execution is to add a callback to the queue. See for
> example adi_jtag_dp_scan_u32() in adi_v5_jtag.c.

Ok, I will take a look to it later.

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