Hi Tomek,

The problem is I don't have the time to do that :( I'am working on my
bachelor thesis and the title is not "devkit8000/omap3530 support for
OpenOCD" - unfortunately ;)

Furthermore I don't know enough about JTAG to have any clue what is going

My intention was not to whine (ok a bit - sometimes it helps *g*). I just
need the information if there are known bugs/problems for my target - so I
can reason why I wasn't able to use the debugger.

Best regards

2011/5/24 Tomek CEDRO <tomek.ce...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Simon Schwarz
> <simonschwarz...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi List,
> > I'am a bit frustrated with OpenOCD...
> > I have more or less random problems with it. So I am at a point to just
> drop
> > it because I can't say if there are problems in the code or just another
> > openOCD problem.
> Hello Simon! Here goes some philosophy, as I also has problems with
> the code :-) :-) If you commit nothing, expect nothing - this is Open
> Source :-) If you know exactly what the problem is, you are the best
> person to fix the problem yourself, noone will do this for you, or you
> will loose more time explaining what is wrong than fixing the issue
> yourself as you have necessary hardware, utilities and insight. With
> this attitude you get the best productivity. Sometimes it is necessary
> to buy commercial solution just to see what is working and how, just
> to fix the problem, or if the solution is working at all - I had such
> situation recently :-)
> You might also reconsider if OpenOCD is a good solution for you - this
> is fairly complex utility still under heavy development - if you
> prefer to have quick results, then buy utilities for thousands credits
> and get your results funded by person interested in those results,
> however, you will not have any chance to fix bugs in that utilities
> not to mention expanding their capabilities or customizing/adapting to
> your needs :-)
> Best regards and good luck! :-)
> Tomek
> --
> CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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