> Yes - this is a bug - probably a cut&paste error.
> It looks like, as you say, that there are two errors cancelling out. The
> target_read_buffer() function should reference the address variable.

I believe the attached patch fixes that, although I don't have
anything using the relevant two RTOSs to test against.

> If you need an explanation of any parts of the code, let me know.
> You will probably find that eCos stacks register in the same order that
> FreeRTOS and ThreadX do on the Cortex-M3 platform.  If that is the case, all
> you need to do is to implement the reading of the eCos thread list(s).

Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it.  eCos appears not to
stack the registers in the same way, at least not if I've interpreted
correctly.  I've created a new stacking order, and I've managed to
parse the thread list.  Unfortunately, issuing "info threads" into GDB
doesn't fully meet expectations.  It prints the list of
threads/names/states/uniqueid, but then hits an assertion failure.
"current_thread==-1||!thread_list", I think.  I can see that it has
requested the stack for two of the four test threads at that point.

I'm not near my test machine at the moment, so I haven't got the
details to hand.  I've got a few more places to look, but if there's
any obvious clues I've missed, I'd appreciate the advice.


Attachment: 0001-Correct-stacking-direction-and-use-of-address-offset.patch
Description: Binary data

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