On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Sébastien Farquet
<sebastien.farq...@amontec.com> wrote:
> No reaction
> So monday, I will make a commit on
> git://openocd.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openocd/openocd

Hello Sebastien,
no offense, but this statement shows that you do not have deeper
understanding how open-source projects work. You can not commit the
code in the OpenOCD repository. Only maintainers can do this.

You are welcome to contribute, but your contribution must be well
reasoned and convincing for the community and maintainers to accept
your patch. Maintainers take responsibility for what get's into the
repository, and it is some kind of guarantee for all of us that
tomorrow we will meet again high-quality code in OpenOCD project.

So, your goal should not be to commit (you can not do this anyway),
but to have your patch accepted. For this to happen coding the patch
is not sufficient. You have to justify your changes, explain to the
community why you are proposing the changes, explain the impact it
would introduce on the existing code and hopefully motivate some of
the maintainers to review your code. There is no guarantee however
that this will happen. It is reasonable to say that every convincing
patch gets accepted, because it is common interest.

What you can thus do is :
1) Well document your patches and explain what you changed and why
(you did this, but I advise you to do it again).
2) Split your changes in several smaller patches, well documented.
This augments your chances that at least some of the changes will get
accepted. It is because some of maintainers, or some programmers on
the list will not (lack of time) look deeper in some areas, while
other fall in their expertise and they will give it a quick look. If
you have big change that spreads over few different areas, there is
smaller change that you will find expert that will go over your

This kind of approach usually motivates others to comment and debate
on your propositions.

I am far away from the expert on what you did, but I will try to look
and comment on this over the Easter holidays. Maybe it will help a

Thank you for your work, and I would advise you (and everybody, myself
included) to show more patience and persistence in justifying and
documenting contributions. It should be a joy, anyway ;).

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