On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.har...@zylin.com> wrote:
> In target.c, I'm wondering if we should modify the code to execute
> the same code path and have support for no new packages, unless
> the target->rtos is initialized.

Hello! This modular design of OpenOCD is so awsome when I look at it
now - it adds possibility to attach totally different functionalities
together, and only basics are hardcoded to add more functionalities by
tcl :-)

I think rtos should be additional module for target (or cpu just as
flash is) so it brings new functionalities without modification of old
ones and even further extensibility by tcl scripts... I was thinking
of something like this for linux/android in future :-)

Regarding the organization - the module can be named "rtos" and the
specific os would be selected just as layout (as is in the cpu or
flash memory).. therefore rtos should be kept in separate folder (such
as flash, svf, etc) instead extending existing sources (such target.c)

Best regards!

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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