On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Phil Fong <fong...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've been programming Lattice XP2 FPGAs with SVF using a git checkout from 
> the beginning of February.  (So, to answer Oyvind svf at least partially 
> works.)  However, I've noticed that the echo to the screen does not echo the 
> first line of SDR commands.  The SVF has SDR commands of the form:
> SDR    638    TDI  
> The output in the telnet session and the OpenOCD console only shows the 
> second line.  If SDR command is only one line, nothing is shown.
> Is this intentional?

Ah, this'll probably be my fault, and it's not intentional.... must be
something I missed when I modified the verbose stuff late last year.
I've only been using the svf command to program my actel fpga with an
auto-generated svf file, and haven't noticed this issue, either
because I don't get multiline commands in the generated file, or
because they flick past the screen so fast I don't notice them!

Do you now whether the command are being run correctly? I assume
because you haven't said otherwise then they must be, just not getting

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