On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:03 PM, simon qian <simonqian.open...@gmail.com> wrote:
> According to the feedback of my patch for SWD. I was busy fixing these
> feedback these days.
> I found that dap_to_jtag is not called. So it will be problem to operate
> JTAG after operating SWD.
> In my opinion, dap_to_jtag should be not be called in jtag_init,
> because dap_to_jtag is defined ONLY in adiv5 specification.
> But if I call dap_to_jtag in arm_adi_v5.c or adi_v5_jtag.c, it will fail
> because jtag_id is read before calling dap_to_jtag.
> So I think the initialization sequence should be from upper layer to lower
> layer, which means initialize adiv5 and then initialize jtag.

Hello Simon! As stated on the ARM Infocenter [1]:
-one mode of operation should be selected after target power up, and
this mode should not be changed
-jtag is the default working mode after power-up
-swd-to-jtag and jtag-to-swd should not impact device after power up,
because sequences are designed not to interfere with dap-specific

Therefore I think we should test how select-jtag works on targets
other than ARM. According to the documentation it should be
transparent and ensure target is in JTAG mode. If there are no
problems with non-ARM targets having this sequence applied at
initialization, we should put this into jtag_init procedure..?  On the
other hand even ARM states that target should not be switched between
SWD and JTAG modes multiple times with no powerdown/powerup... but if
we have more than one target on the line, one is JTAG and one is SWD,
then we could ensure working state for them.

Best regards,

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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