On 16/11/2010, at 11:36 AM, Andrew Leech wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Steve Bennett <ste...@workware.net.au> 
> wrote:
>> On 16/11/2010, at 11:15 AM, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 2:06 AM, Steve Bennett <ste...@workware.net.au> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 16/11/2010, at 9:27 AM, Andrew Leech wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I've just found a compiling/usage difficulty with the git version on
>>>>> cygwin. Apparently somewhere between 0.4.0 and mainline (possibly
>>>>> jimtcl?) openocd no longer handles dos line endings on config files.
>>>>> Apparently all my config files of my existing 0.4.0 installation have
>>>>> dos line endings and I'd never realised or cared, but I compiled git
>>>>> on cygwin and tried to use it with my existing openocd.cfg and was
>>>>> treated to this error:
>>>>> Open On-Chip Debugger 0.5.0-dev-00589-gfdae512-dirty (2010-11-16-10:00)
>>>>> Licensed under GNU GPL v2
>>>>> For bug reports, read
>>>>>        http://openocd.berlios.de/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
>>>>> Runtime Error: embedded:startup.tcl:57:
>>>>> in procedure 'script'
>>>>> at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 57
>>>>> This is a very un-user-friendly error message and had me stumped, I
>>>>> though my build was broken or something. It took me a lot of stuffing
>>>>> around with config files to realise it was just a dos2unix on my
>>>>> config file away from working, and now I'm all good.
>>>>> I personally don't have an issue with requiring unix line endings,
>>>>> it's just that this is a nasty way to fail, a cleaner error message
>>>>> would have been useful.
>>>> I suspect the problem is here in src/helper/startup.tcl
>>>>        set errmsg [format "%s: command requires more arguments" \
>>>>            [concat $name " " $args]]
>>>> The backslash newline sequence will likely have a carriage return inserted.
>>>> The easy solution is to ensure that these startup files are read in text 
>>>> mode
>>>> or have the \r\n translated to \n before creating startup_tcl.c
>>>> But it would also be nice if each startup script were evaluated 
>>>> independently
>>>> with the original filename, and any error message shown.
>>> A large startup.tcl is generated by the makefiles from many smaller
>>> startup.tcl scripts around the source tree. This startup.tcl is then 
>>> converted
>>> to .c and linked into openocd. Why? Because it was felt that it was an 
>>> important
>>> feature to be able to launch openocd without a dependency on the files that
>>> openocd ships with.
>> Nothing wrong with that. Jim Tcl does something similar to allow Tcl 
>> extensions
>> to be linked in. For example, stdlib.tcl, tclcompat.tcl and glob.tcl
>> The trick is to invoke Jim_Eval_Named() once for each file so that the 
>> original
>> source file can be identified, and also to display any error which is 
>> generated.
> I don't know that the line ending problem is with (the compiled in)
> startup.tcl. I only did the dos2unix on my openocd.cfg and associated
> cfg text files, and then they worked fine with the same openocd
> binary.
> Is openocd supposed to still work with dos format .cfg files?
> Andrew

Perhaps you could try the attached patch to Jim Tcl. It should
allow for cfg files with dos line endings.

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Attachment: 0001--source-now-opens-the-script-file-in-text-mode.patch
Description: Binary data

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