Hi All,
First post, and I'd like to say a huge thanks for such a capable tool! I've
been using openocd (0.4.0 release) to successfully program and debug a
LPC3131 part for a few months now. Bit of a learning curve for sure but well
worth it.
I've attached my lpc3131.cfg, what would be required to get this included in
the official distro?

On a different matter, I'm currently using this part on a chain with an
Actel A3P125 FPGA which seems to be working fine for the LPC. Ideally I
would like to also program the Actel with openocd to streamline programming
of the entire module.  For some reason, my separate fpga jtag programmer
(altium designer and their jtag dongle) doesn't work when it's connected in
the chain, I think it's a bit light on the buffering and suffers from noise.
It only just works when connected directly to the fpga. Rather than fixing
the dodgy programmer I'd much prefer to use my ft2232 one (TI ICDI) for both

The Actel FPGA has built in flash, which makes it very convenient to use,
just not so convenient to program as it turns out. I've generated svf files
with the actel software and tried playing them with openocd, but it errors

        Error: tdo check error at line 38
        Error: read = 0x542439E, want = 0x3A121CF, mask = 0x6FFFFFF
        Error: fail to run command at line 1633
        Error: tdo check error at line 38
        Error: read = 0x542439E, want = 0x3A121CF, mask = 0x6FFFFFF
        109052 ms used
        svf file programmed failed
        Command handler execution failed

For reference, line 38 is:
SDR 32 TDI(00000000) TDO(03A121CF) MASK(06FFFFFF);
And line 1633:
SDR 26 TDI(0000000);

Is there any specific setup of the tap I would need to do before running the
svf command? I'm currently just declaring the tap as such:
jtag newtap a3p125 tap -irlen 8 -expected-id 0x02a121cf
Which appears to be enough to keep the chain happy as far as the lpc's

I am fairly new to fpga/svf stuff, is there anything I can do to find the
source of this issue, or might there be a different way to flash the actel
with openocd not using svf?

Andrew Leech

Attachment: lpc3131.cfg
Description: Binary data

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