2010/10/31 Michel Catudal <michelcatu...@gmail.com>:
> Le 2010-10-29 19:15, Andreas Fritiofson a écrit :
>> One can also ponder why you need debug access to something molded in
>> plastic... Wouldn't it be better to debug your application on a more
>> lab-friendly setup?
> A production unit that is to be protected from the environment must be
> molded into something.
> We would never use plastic in most application but the end result would be
> the same.
> I do agree that molded in plastic is strange but what difference would it
> make as for software is concerned?

It's not the plastic mold that's strange, it's the desire to _debug_
software on a production unit, permanently sealed or not. Debugging is
software development, which is more comfortably done on a lab unit
which can be probed and measured (and, in the best of worlds,
preferably _before_ production even starts).

> Most designs nowadays require reflashing at one time or another. Most of us
> in the industry no long use mask rom.
> Why do you think that we would want simulated mask rom?

I didn't say that. You're talking about in-system programming, not
debugging. ISP (or "reflashing") is often possible over the debug
access port, but it's not always the only option and seldom the most
practical one. A better alternative, especially for a sealed product,
is to use a preprogrammed boot loader operating over some other
communication channel present in the product. I'm guessing that would
have been Chris' first choice, had this particular boot loader of his
not been broken.

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