I have got decent results in Helios using the "GDB (DSF) Hardware
Debugging Launcher" with the following, pretty straight-forward,

Main tab:
Select project and binary as usual

Debugger tab:
GDB Command: arm-none-eabi-gdb
Check Use remote target
JTAG Device: OpenOCD (via pipe)
(GDB Connection String: "| openocd --pipe")

Startup tab:
Uncheck Reset and delay... and Halt
Check Load image, use project binary
Check Load symbols, use project binary
Check Set breakpoint at: main
Check Resume
No run or init commands specified

Hi Andreas,

I can't do the above because I need to execute a "reset init" on the
target. My reset-init event handler configures the PLL and ramps the
jtag clock up to 6Mb/s .... none of those "tick" options (or lack of
them) allow me to execute a "reset init" in the correct order ...

IE at the moment I do this in an init script and I untick everything
except load symbols ..

target remote localhost:3333
mon reset init
mon flash write_image erase unlock C:/eclipse/LPC17xx_test/dbg/Trial.elf
0 elf
mon reset init

I need to do the reset init twice as you need a halt after the flashing,
and I want to do my debugging at the fast speed ... If I put a "reset
halt" as
The last step I would be back to the slow clock again.

Basically the "tick" options do not give enough flexibility to emulate
the init script above (which works fine by the way ..)


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