On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:30 PM, Bernard Mentink
<bernard.ment...@trimble.co.nz> wrote:
> On 2010-10-18 20:54, Bernard Mentink wrote:
>> Well I have tried that, but I get this error from the GDB
>> (DSF)Hardware debugger plugin for Eclipse:
> You need to select "Standard GDB Hardware Debugging Launcher" and
> instead of "load" command - use the available options below "Load Image
> and Symbols" - for flashing select both checkboxes, for debugging of
> previously flashed image select "Symbols" only.
> --------------------
> Hmm, I have tried that and can indeed use the load command with the
> Standard GDB debugger, but I don't like that debugger as mach as the DSF
> version.
> I also have to use custom commands to get the init sequence I want, the
> "tick box" options don't give me what I need.

I have got decent results in Helios using the "GDB (DSF) Hardware
Debugging Launcher" with the following, pretty straight-forward,

Main tab:
Select project and binary as usual

Debugger tab:
GDB Command: arm-none-eabi-gdb
Check Use remote target
JTAG Device: OpenOCD (via pipe)
(GDB Connection String: "| openocd --pipe")

Startup tab:
Uncheck Reset and delay... and Halt
Check Load image, use project binary
Check Load symbols, use project binary
Check Set breakpoint at: main
Check Resume
No run or init commands specified

In the project root, create a file openocd.cfg:
source interface.cfg
source [find target/stm32.cfg]
source [find chip/st/stm32/stm32.tcl]

stm32.cpu configure -event gdb-flash-write-end {
        reset init

stm32.cpu configure -event gdb-flash-erase-start {
        reset init
interface.cfg is an unversioned file sourcing my adapter config file
(interface/jtagkey.cfg in my case).

Does this work for you as well? Of course you need to change the
stm32-specifics if you have the LPC part. Oh, by the way, this is on
Linux. Also I'd like to work out how to attach to a running target
nicely without specifying init commands manually. Unchecking Load and
setting the init commands to "mon gdb_sync" and "stepi" probably does
it but I'd rather not need to have to have any commands in the launch

> All, in all, I get the same speed with the GDB "load" command or the
> target "flash" command .. I guess it maybe a limitation of the FT2232D
> based JTAG
> module I am using ... It would be good if someone else can confirm that
> with the same hardware.

Both speeds should be more or less identical.
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