The Cortex parts (M3, A8, etc) all have ROM tables listing resources exported to debuggers, which are displayed in OpenOCD using the "dap info" command. I've seen this work well with Luminary (LM3s3748), NXP (LPC1768), and OMAP3 parts in the past.
However, I recently observed two Cortex-M3 parts showing bogus tables: multiple NVIC (IRQ controller) components, when there should only be one. And then it turned out that, at least in my current test hardware, this problem isn't new; the v0.3.1 and v0.4.0 releases do the same. My theory is that if I were using the Olimex-Tiny I've usually used for such stuff, instead of a luminary ft2232, it'd work. (TSome Peripheral ID reads seem to return zeroes...) Can some of you help sort this out? By (a) verifying that "dap info 0" reports only one NVIC if you're not using a luminary jtag adapter, (b) maybe confirming this misbehavior with luminary. (c) coming up with other information. Thanks in advance. - Dave
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