The best reference page for the Bus Pirate is probably the manual:

Microchip's 16bit compilers are gcc-based, but you're correct that vanilla gcc won't compile for the PIC. I went with the 24FJ chip because it has a peripheral pin select cross-bar that can assign timers, counter, PWM, SPI, UART, etc to any reprogrammable pin. A lot of the Bus Pirate libraries use true hardware modules instead of software emulation, and PPS makes it possible to swap these modules to the same IO pins.

How's the USB driver situation with the M3? There are plenty of Microchip USB chips, probably an even cheaper solution than an M3, but there's currently no open source USB driver. Microchip has a free USB stack, but it's gratis and not libre, so I can't actually distribute it with any projects.



David Brownell wrote:
On Saturday 27 February 2010, Michal Demin wrote:
+++ b/tcl/interface/buspirate.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Buspirate with OpenOCD support

Ignoring the code, for the moment ... that blog is the only
reference you give to what a "Bus Pirate" actually is.

The openocd.texi updates should probably include a ref to the
official project web site; maybe the config file should have
it too.  A blog doesn't substitute well for documentation.

Maybe is the right
"official" site?  Failing that, maybe even the Wikipedia

- Dave


That said ... I think I'd be interested in something like
one of those, but powered by some USB-equipped Cortex-M3.
(Or maybe even some kind of AVR).  Compared to the current
FT232 + PIC24 combo, the chip costs would be lower, and the
software hackability would be much improved.  (harware, less
so -- LQFP48 packages.)   Bus Pirate an interesting idea,
but mainline GCC doesn't support PIC24, so it can't be used
to develop BusPirate firmware (so far as I know).
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