> I would have thought trac [ http://trac.edgewall.org/ ] ...

We are using Mantis internally, but I have nothing against trac. It's
the goal to have a bug database that I'm interested in, not the
specific implementation.

> Using trac would involve just turning on a feature at SourceForge,
> and (the problematic bit) actually using it.  Using bug databases
> isn't free; people need to tend and feed them, prune garbage, use
> reports to help direct development efforts (i.e. cat-herding), etc.

Yes, this is merely a tool, not a way to over-organize the project. I
would like to give it a try. Just open it and let's see how it

> A few features of trac:
>  - bug database
>  - feature/release planning
>  - wiki (which IMO we should have anyway)

Is there a way to make it send email notifications to this list, with
some tag in the subject line ([TRAC] or something similar)? This will
make the evolution of the tickets visible to the list, avoiding
unnecessary duplication of information. Of course, that means more
"noise" on the list, too.


Edgar Grimberg
System Developer
Zylin AS
ZY1000 JTAG Debugger http://www.zylin.com/zy1000.html
Phone: (+47) 51 63 25 00
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