
I'm sorry for not having corrected nor updated my first post until now. I've
only tried OpenOCD during my free time.

I'm using Hitex LPC-Stick (with LPC2468) with OpenOCD. No need to patch
I use only 2 configuration files, as the LPC-Stick is the interface and the
target at the same time. I attach both.
I also attach my Eclipse external tools launch configuration
These are 4 files: 2 for GDB -of which I use Zylin only- and 2 for OpenOCD
-I set one to flash the stick and another one to debug.

I hope it helps someone.

I have no words to thank the many people who posted extremely useful tips on
the web, and for the OpenOCD (and Open Source in general) developers.

Best regards,

Esteban Lucchesi

Attachment: OpenOCD-Flash.launch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: GDB_config-FPM.launch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: GDB_config-FPM-Zylin.launch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: OpenOCD-Debug.launch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: openocd.cfg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lpc-stick.cfg
Description: Binary data

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