Here are a few technical comments on Simon's patch.

I'll start by using the diffstat output as a prop, and may
include details later ... possibly in separate threads.

>  src/jtag/commands.h     |   21 ++-
>  src/jtag/core.c         |   29 ++++
>  src/jtag/driver.c       |   79 +++++++++++

We might want to have src/interface, with JTAG and SWD
as separate layered components.  Files like "swd.h" and
"swd.c" would likely be worth having, instead of letting
that stuff get scattered.

Regardless, I think I like the notion of having a struct
wrap the SWD operations (command, ack, data} in host byte
order.   Should they maybe be members of a linked list, to
better model queued or pre-computed operations?

Needing to convert these to JTAG ops bothers me a bit,
though it's probably expedient.

>  src/jtag/interface.c    |    2
>  src/jtag/interface.h    |    1
>  src/jtag/jtag.h         |    7 +
>  src/jtag/minidriver.h   |    6
>  src/jtag/tcl.c          |   46 ++++++

You added an "swj_mode" command, but it doesn't look at the
link hardware to see if it's supported.  What I'd like to
see is a more generic command putting the interface into
a given mode ... with initial options including SWD and

I think we'd want to be able to stress test by switching
modes back and forth...

That seems like it should be an easily separated chunk, but
there'd necessarily be an invasive bit to make sure JTAG
operations are cleanly rejected in SWD mode, and vice versa.

Related:  interface commands to activate SWO.  On the
Luminary boards, for example, FT2232 port B can be used
either as the serial link *or* to collect SWO data.  SWO
data collection obviously depends on being in SWD mode...

>  src/jtag/vsllink.c      |  276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---

I think I'd like to be able to start with the interface level
and work up ... that'd help makeng sure the approach works well
with more than just Versaloon.  There's the Raisonance stuff
Andrew was using (STM32 Primer2?), and the Luminary boards too.

>  src/target/arm_adi_v5.c |  221 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
>  src/target/arm_adi_v5.h |    9 +

Yes, SWD has to work fairly closely with the ADIv5 support.
That's a fairly significant constraint!  Cores that don't
use ADIv5 won't care.

But I'm suspecting that this part would best be factored as
some cleanup patches preceding merge of SWD hooks.  Maybe
along the lines of factoring out a low level ops vector that
can eventually be swapped between JTAG and SWD versions.

Obviously, since switching to SWD mode requires reading
the ID register, that's one of the first things that would
need to become pluggable.  :)

... that's it for comments just now.

- Dave

>  11 files changed, 621 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

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