
you can pass it to gdb with the -x start option. Put your stuff into e.g. 
gdb.cfg and start gdb with

gdb -x gdb.cfg



Am 15.12.2009 16:51, schrieb Alain Mouette:
> Can anyone help me with this?
> To make single-step work better with IRQs and FreeRTOS in Eclipse, it 
> seems that I need to send this do GDB:
> define hook-step
> mon cortex_m3 maskisr on
> end
> define hookpost-step
> mon cortex_m3 maskisr off
> end
> The big question is: how/where do I put that? I supose that it should be 
> in my config file for OpenOCD, I tried many things without success :(
> There is very little about that in Google or in GDB or even in OpenOCD 
> manual...
> Please help !!! Bellow is my previous question a an answer from David 
> that did help me in understanding what is happening :)
> I am using OpennOCD 0.3.1 now :)
> Thanks,
> Alain
> Alain Mouette escreveu:
>> David Brownell escreveu:
>>> On Monday 14 December 2009, Alain Mouette wrote:
>>>> I tried debugging with Eclipde+Gdb+OpenOCD on a Cortex-M3, and it works 
>>>> just fine for the start-up code, but as soon as FreeRTOS (preemptive) 
>>>> and Interrupts are running, it is not much usefull anymore... Is there 
>>>> any way to single-step in a multi-thread environment?
>>> When you say "not useful" ... why, specifically?
>> It is not usefull because when I single-step it goes to a ISR or to 
>> another thread, and eventualy goes to some invalid address. I gess that 
>> you partially undestood what I meant :)
>>> Didn't you say, earlier, that using the
>>>     cortex_m3 maskisr enable
>>> command while stepping solved the problem for you?
>> Sorry, that was not me...
>> I read the manual, googled and did not find how to use it. I added it to 
>> my config file, just before "init" but it made no difference.
>> The only explanation that makes some sense to me is 
>> <http://www.mail-archive.com/openocd-development@lists.berlios.de/msg10288.html>
>> from this list. It looks like I should define a hook for GDB, is that it?
>> If so, it sshould probably be in some function in my configuration 
>> script (like I did for flash writing) and call it from command line with 
>> "-c"? Could you give me an example? ... :)
>> BTW, I am using OpenOCD 0.2.0 in Linux, would I have to upgrade to test 
>> that? (I will be doing it today anyway)
>> Sorry it I look dumb sometimes, I am a programmer, but I came from an 
>> environment too different and I am having a hard time with too many 
>> different tools at once :(
>> Thanks
>> Alain
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