On Monday 09 November 2009, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> > I don't follow.  Disregarding all non-MMU stuff,
> > and presuming the above commit gets reverted, what
> > are the "no-ops" you refer to?
> Lets say we define a polymorphic cache flushing fn.

That's non-MMU stuff.  You don't have an MMU-related
NOP example?

> Should it succeed as a no-op on targets without a
> cache or should it fail?

Well, ideally we would never expose such operations
on cacheless targets as Tcl operations.  Wanting to
do so indicates a design problem...

But if we had to expose methods like that to lowlevel
code, it'd make most sense that it be a NOP on any
target that doesn't have a (d?)cache.

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