On Sunday 08 November 2009, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> > So you mean slow down for *all* changes then?  Instead
> > of just the "important" ones?
> We may decide that's what we want to do... I don't
> like the idea of slowing down development, but OpenOCD
> is getting more mature and not breaking stuff will
> increasingly more important than adding new stuff...

The release cycle model I think we're using now has two
basic phases per cycle, to help strike a balance between
adding new stuff versus not-breaking:

 - Merge Window ... at the beginning of a cycle.  It's
   when all the development queued during the previous
   cycle, or otherwise developed in parallel, merges.

   It's not a free-for-all, but merge criteria in this
   phase allow significant changes, "adding new stuff".

   At the end of the merge window, all the new features
   for this release should have merged.  (Likewise, most
   bugfixes with significant impact.)

 - RC phase ... the first RC marks the end of the merge
   window, and the start of making merge criteria get
   more strict.  This phase is for quality improvment.

   Merge criteria verge on total lockdown towards the
   end of this phase (it ends with a "real" release),
   and are close to "bugfixes only" during this phase.
   Regressions get prioritized over longstanding bugs.

   The idea is to focus on testing/bugfixing ... and
   to not let in stuff that can break.  When something
   with "break" potential merges, the RC phase needs
   to stay open another week or so.  (That's where we
   goofed this last time:  not just letting in one
   patch with an obvious bug, but also not keeping RC
   open for another week or so.)

In terms of speed, I don't think anything should ever
get rushed.  Stuff with large impact should always get
some review before merge.  More review during the RC
phase; and likely some stuff will get held till the
next merge window opens (since "wait" is the default
merge policy during RC).

- Dave
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