On Tuesday 03 November 2009, Peter Denison wrote:

> Unfortunately this is down to how the firmware in the adapter is written. 
> Comms is limited to 64 byte USB packets, and the WRITE_READ command can 
> therefore take a maximum of 488 bits (61 bytes after 3 header bytes). The 
> 640 bit IDCODE scan is split up into 2 transactions, of which the first 
> completes successfully. There is special-case code for 488-bit commands to 
> hold TMS low on the last bit, so the TAP stays in DRSHIFT. Normally, TMS 
> goes high for the last bit, to bring the TAP out to DREXIT1.
> Sadly though, the main loop of the adapter firmware adds a TMS=0, TDI=0 
> clock at the end of every WRITE_READ command. Under normal (entire command 
> fits in 1 transaction) circumstances, this is to make the TAP transition 
> from DREXIT1 to DRPAUSE. With split transactions, this extra clock loses a 
> bit, and the returned data then makes no sense, leading to the "Unexpected 
> idcode" messages above.

I guess I don't understand why TMS should ever *implicitly* be
changed, or clocks *implicitly* be added.  This won't be the
only problem that causes ...

> I'm working on a solution, but have several options.
> a) Add yet more special case "if (bits == 488)" code in the adapter 
> firmware main loop. This is horrible, but a quick fix. Would still go 
> wrong if exactly 488 bits were required.
> b) Drop the extra clock from the adapter firmware, and add it in to the 
> OpenOCD driver code. Good solution, but requires coordination of releases 
> of both the adapter firmware and OpenOCD.
> c) Drop the existing limited adapter firmware in favour of a more capable 
> protocol, not limited to 64 byte transfers, and understanding complete "do 
> this entire scan" or "do this entire TMS sequence" commands. Even better, 
> but quite some considerable work.

Or just trim some of the side effects.  That would necessarily
call for changes in client firmware -- you could minimally just
update the device's bcdVersion code!  But the tweaks shouldn't
need to be huge.  "Send this data" would ignore TMS and just
clock data in/out.  "Walk this TMS path" would hold TDI fixed
and just clock TMS... individual packets could still be 64 byts
if you like.

Given the bug is a side effect of the protocol, I don't see a
way around some level of "flag day".  There are ways to cut
the main involved in such stuff though.

Or if you want a "no flagdays approach", then maybe OpenOCD
could be taught that it's got to transition from SHIFT to
PAUSE every adapter-specific-N bits.  That'd let you break
scans up into smaller chunks ... that's more or less just
why the PAUSE state exists.

> Probably none of this (even a) will get done for 0.3.0, but if anyone has 
> any thoughts, I'd be interested.

There are also two other usbprog issues noted in the TODO list...
at least one of which seems kind of related (the "long" sequences).

- Dave

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