On Friday 23 October 2009, Wookey wrote:
> For the normal case of one dongle I'd actually like openocd to get a
> bit smarter and just use 'the first jtag dongle it can find' so that I
> didn't have to maintain top-level configs for jtagkey, jtagkey2,
> olimex-tiny etc.


> I couldn't see an obvious way to do that, which is a 
> pity, althoguh I suspect some udev magic might do it (much easier if
> each device actually has a unique pid).

Unique PIDs are generally the USB model, and the way to go.
Though not all vendors cooperate; sigh.

On Linux, it's fairly straightforward for libusb to scan all
the connected USB devices and choose "interesting" ones.
I'm told it's sort of painful on Windows though.

This sort of gets into autoconfiguration.  I could imagine
an OpenOCD startup mode which starts up and pokes at what it
finds, and can match scan chains to a bunch of user configs.

- Dave

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