On Thursday 22 October 2009, Colin Howarth wrote:
> 1318,1319c1318,1319
> <       LOG_ERROR("should never reach this point");
> <       return -1;
> ---
>  >      snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32  
> "\tDATA", address, opcode);
>  >      return 0;

So you propose that every place the disassembler
receives garbage it should print it out as DATA?
Or just that *one* place?

Better approach:  treat them all as undefined opcodes.
That's more correct, in any case...

If you could provide a fix in the format "git diff"
produces, such a change could be applied as a patch
using "patch -p1 < yourstuff" and then merged.

Note that you should generate such a patch against
the latest code.  You can download a snapshot from
the gitweb interface, if you like.  In any case,
like 1318 doesn't look *anything* like that in the
current code, so I have no idea which of the many
stupid "should not reach this point" messages you
ran into ...
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