> Can't that "-D..." be automated?  It will always be needed,
> if I understand correctly.  So requiring that it be specified
> manually will just cause build errors when it's omitted.

Good thinking. Here's a patch that does just that.
I tested it in both MinGW-W64 on Vista 64 and MinGW-W32 on XP, and I don't
see any adverse effects to enabling it for all MinGW versions.

Also, after reading a bit further, it appears that ws2_32 (Windows Sockets
2) is included in all versions of Windows and backwards compatible with
wsock32, at least according to
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740673%28VS.85%29.aspx. Only Win95
seems to require a manual installation (
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182108) which is not a big deal.
So I think we can drop this whole business of detecting 64 bit MinGW and
just use -lws2_32 for all MinGW platforms.

The second attached patch does just that. Using -lws2_32 instead of
-lwsock32 worked fine for me on XP with MinGW-W32

Attachment: patch_mingw_ansi_stdio_flag.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: patch_wsock32_mingw_v2.diff
Description: Binary data

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