there was a residual bin2char in the src/helper directory
and that caused the problems below. Deleting
src/helper/bin2char made things compile...

I'll need to do a bit more testing, but we might not have heard the
very last of this yet...

It still doesn't compile here, some problems I see:

- the bin2char executable is put into the source and not the
build dir. This doesn't "look right"
- the xscale_debug.h should be put into the build and not
the source dir, but things don't compile far enough to
check if this happens.

My test:

- did a bootstrap + configure using latest committed
version 0.2.0-382-gc7941f3
- build != src dir => fail
- host != build OS. X building from Linux to arm-elf,
same problem should exist when X building from
e.g. Linux to Windows. => fail

./bin2char startup_tcl <
> startup_tcl.c
/bin/sh: ./bin2char: No such file or directory

Øyvind Harboe
ARM7 ARM9 ARM11 XScale Cortex
JTAG debugger and flash programmer
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