
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Magnus Lundin <lun...@mlu.mine.nu> wrote:
> Yauheni Kaliuta wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Magnus Lundin <lun...@mlu.mine.nu> wrote:
>>> Without looking deeply (lot of other work the coming weeks) I think this
>>> is good, but I would like it in a separate file(module). Called
>>> adiv5_component, adiv5_debug or coresight_component ??
>>> So the adiv5 code talks to the MEMAP registers but does not handle the
>>> memory mapped components that are accessed through the the MEMAP. This
>>> includes the content of the ROMTABLE.
>> Hmm, I do not think so.
>> 1) access to components is a part of the same ADIv5 specification IHI
>> 0031A (shouldn't it be called then swjdp.c like it was?)
> I will expand my ideas a bit more.
> No, IHI0031A does not contain the full component specification,  Arm ADI is
> the debug interface, and it does not specify the componets. The
> specification contains
> some  information about the rom table structure and peripherial
> identification registers.

Well, well, but if you check the patch, it does not abstract even
coresight components but just provides memory interface to the address
space of that IHI0031A components.

> These are specified in the CoreSight Architecture Specification ARM IHI
> 0029B.
> The actual debug comonents are specified in the ArmV7A TRM and Cortex A8
> TRM.
> The importatnt distinction is that debug components are accesed through a
> memeory space,
> from a target level using memory reads and writes to the relevant memory
> space/bus.
> These components can also be accesed from the processor core over the memory
> bus.
> The Arm debug interface is just the set of DP and AP registers that the
> (recommended)
> external access implementation uses for access to this memory range. SWJ is
> the method
> to talk to DP and AP through JTAG or SW access.

yes, I understand it of course.

> So the only target property that the component needs is the memory
> read/write, for the
> components the rest of adiv5 is irrelevant. For a target that controls the
> components using a
> swjdp interface it is also important to use the correct memap port if there
> are several, and
> to make sure that direct memory access is used with no cache or virtual
> addressing handling.
> Perhaps we need a taget level structure that describes a "memory port",
> something that can
> be read and written like memory.
> The attributes would be
>   * valid memory range
>   * Physical/Virtual memory addressing
>   * Cache handling
>   * Pointer to a "memory port driver" that does the actual
> For a Cortex A8 we would have one "memory port" for each SWJDP-MEMAP port
> for
> direct physical access and one "memory port" for program memory that uses
> virtual
> addressing whem MMU is active and also controls cache cleaning and
> invalidation.
> We can have a separate "memory port" that accesses memory through the CPU.
> Of course twe some work on how to create a user/tcl interface for this
> structure.

Looks like I understand you now and agree that my implementation is
too narrowed to APB-AP and romtables. I did not think about other
access methods if apb-ap is available.

Will think about it, thank you a lot for the comments!

>> 2) if you want to have the layer independent of ap and components
>> layers, then there should be no links in that direction, only from
>> components towards DP. As a result the cpu layer, which uses both
>> components and AP accesses should be aware of scanning, handling
>> (storing/freeing...) scanning results and so on.
> Well, the target layer must be aware that scanning should be done and that
> there are
> components handled by the "coresight component" layer.  Components do their
> stuff
> by reading and writing to memory.
> Even if we let the componets use the swjdp structure to access memory, I
> think
> it should be placed in a seperate file.
> Best regards,
> Magnus
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