
Thanks to Xiaofan Chen for the pointing out I needed to use libusb 0.1.

I downloaded libusb-0.1.10a

It built and installed nicely.
So did libftdi-0.16 and openocd-0.2.0.

I'm trying to get OpenOCD working on my MacBook Pro (Intel Core 2 Duo)  
running under Mac OS X 10.6.1 (Snow Leopard).

I have a Hitex STR9 comstick, STR912CS-A2, (and a Hitex STR912 eval  
board (and an OpenOCD-USB interface from In-Circuit - which I still  
need to solder the sockets to :-)

I plugged the STR9 comstick in (a green LED lights up) and ran


I get the following error:

Error: The specified JTAG interface was not found (ft2232)
The following JTAG interfaces are available:

I then tried the libusb-0.1.10a/tests/descriptor_test (results of this  
and of the Apple USB Prober utility below) and finally I ran  
libftdi-0.16/examples/find_all which gives:

Number of FTDI devices found: 0

So, I guess that's where the problem lies :-)


Any ideas where I'm going wrong? And apologies if this isn't the right  
list to post to.


My openocd.cfg file has:

source [find board/hitex_str9-comstick.cfg]
source [find target/str912.cfg]

(the board file sources the interface file)

libusb-0.1.10a/tests/descriptor_test gives this:

001/004-0640-002c-00-00     0640/002C
- Unable to fetch manufacturer string
- Unable to fetch product string
   wTotalLength:         55
   bNumInterfaces:       2
   bConfigurationValue:  1
   iConfiguration:       0
   bmAttributes:         80h
   MaxPower:             150
     bInterfaceNumber:   0
     bAlternateSetting:  0
     bNumEndpoints:      2
     bInterfaceClass:    255
     bInterfaceSubClass: 255
     bInterfaceProtocol: 255
     iInterface:         2
       bEndpointAddress: 81h
       bmAttributes:     02h
       wMaxPacketSize:   64
       bInterval:        0
       bRefresh:         0
       bSynchAddress:    0
       bEndpointAddress: 02h
       bmAttributes:     02h
       wMaxPacketSize:   64
       bInterval:        0
       bRefresh:         0
       bSynchAddress:    0
     bInterfaceNumber:   1
     bAlternateSetting:  0
     bNumEndpoints:      2
     bInterfaceClass:    255
     bInterfaceSubClass: 255
     bInterfaceProtocol: 255
     iInterface:         2
       bEndpointAddress: 83h
       bmAttributes:     02h
       wMaxPacketSize:   64
       bInterval:        0
       bRefresh:         0
       bSynchAddress:    0
       bEndpointAddress: 04h
       bmAttributes:     02h
       wMaxPacketSize:   64
       bInterval:        0
       bRefresh:         0
       bSynchAddress:    0

The Apple Mac USB Prober utility gives the similar, but more complete:

Full Speed device @ 4  
(0x04100000): .............................................    
Composite device: "STR9-comStick"
     Port Information:   0x001a
            Not Captive
            Attached to Root Hub
            External Device
     Device Descriptor
         Descriptor Version Number:   0x0200
         Device Class:   0   (Composite)
         Device Subclass:   0
         Device Protocol:   0
         Device MaxPacketSize:   8
         Device VendorID/ProductID:   0x0640/0x002C   (Hitex  
Development Tools)
         Device Version Number:   0x0500
         Number of Configurations:   1
         Manufacturer String:   1 "Hitex"
         Product String:   2 "STR9-comStick"
         Serial Number String:   3 "HXB03572"
     Configuration Descriptor
         Length (and contents):   55
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 09 02 37 00 02 01 00 80  96  
09 04 00 00 02 FF FF
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: FF 02 07 05 81 02 40 00  00  
07 05 02 02 40 00 00
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 09 04 01 00 02 FF FF FF  02  
07 05 83 02 40 00 00
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0030: 07 05 04 02 40 00 00
         Number of Interfaces:   2
         Configuration Value:   1
         Attributes:   0x80 (bus-powered)
         MaxPower:   300 ma
         Interface #0 - Vendor-specific
             Alternate Setting   0
             Number of Endpoints   2
             Interface Class:   255   (Vendor-specific)
             Interface Subclass;   255   (Vendor-specific)
             Interface Protocol:   255
             Endpoint 0x81 - Bulk Input
                 Address:   0x81  (IN)
                 Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data  
                 Max Packet Size:   64
                 Polling Interval:   0 ms
             Endpoint 0x02 - Bulk Output
                 Address:   0x02  (OUT)
                 Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data  
                 Max Packet Size:   64
                 Polling Interval:   0 ms
         Interface #1 - Vendor-specific
             Alternate Setting   0
             Number of Endpoints   2
             Interface Class:   255   (Vendor-specific)
             Interface Subclass;   255   (Vendor-specific)
             Interface Protocol:   255
             Endpoint 0x83 - Bulk Input
                 Address:   0x83  (IN)
                 Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data  
                 Max Packet Size:   64
                 Polling Interval:   0 ms
             Endpoint 0x04 - Bulk Output
                 Address:   0x04  (OUT)
                 Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data  
                 Max Packet Size:   64
                 Polling Interval:   0 ms

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