On Wed, 2009-10-07 at 22:32 -0700, Zach Welch wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some off-list discussion during the recent outage brought up the idea of
> streamlining the BerliOS project site.  Here are the list of services
> that the maintainers want to deactivate, with suggested alternatives:
>   - Disable Bug Tracker and Bug Dependency List, Support, Forums, 
>     Patch Manager, and Feature Requests: post to the mailing list
>   - Disable Screenshots: we can put such content on the web site
>   - Disable Doc Manager: we provide access to such with Doxygen+web
>   - Disable Donations: this appears to be a "WONT FIX" with BerliOS
> This leaves BerliOS with Mailing Lists, File Releases, and WordPress.
> I will be sure to migrate any useful content into the repository, if any
> still needs it.  Are there any strong objections to these plans?

Here is the content that seems to deserve to be merged into the
repository.  Could others verify that these have not been addressed and
deserve to be merged?  The first seems easy and relatively acceptable,
but the others may have been handled in other ways.

Bugs, Features, and Patches:
- Flash Shevaplug U-Boot:
  - https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=16028&group_id=4148
- Resume after breakpoint on X-Scale: 
  - https://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=15867&group_id=4148
- Improve interactive support (e.g. 'pause', etc.).


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