On Monday 28 September 2009, Brian Hutchinson wrote:
> Hi,
> Amontec's site says the JTAGkey can do this but to contact them for
> details.  Anyone using this device for I2C/SPI monitoring and have "the
> details" on how to do this in Linux?

The "details" would be in the FT2232 appnote saying how to
use all the various MPSSE modes ... use jumpers to hook up
GND and your board's VCC to set the level right, then either
SCL/SDA (for I2C) or the relevant pins for SPI (presumably
the obvious association to the JTAG pins, TMS==CS0), and
program as you will.  Nothing should be very specific to
the Amontec.

I'd hope the FT2232 handles I2C details like using open
drain drivers to support clock stretching and arbitration.

- Dave
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