On Wednesday 23 September 2009, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> I don't know much about the hardware trace capabilities,
> but I have understood that it's effectively a trace log of
> what happened.

Various kinds of events yes, like branches, data access,
CPU state transitions and so on.  The exact events vary
between chips; and there's a *LOT* of attention spent on
how to limit the events that get recorded.  Without such
pre-filtering, there'd be too much data to use...

> Wouldn't it be neat(even useful??) if it was possible to step
> through the last N instructions?

Should be pretty trivial to configure:  save *everything* into
a circular buffer, then dump it and ignore all but the last N
instruction events.

> Here is what I have in mind:
> - Issue a "monitor trace 100" => we want to step through the
> last 100 instructions.
> - You can now issue stepi to step through each of the last
> 100 instructions.

The way it's set up now is that you set things up, then
collect the data, and finally  dump it (or save it).
There's no GDB integration.  And I don't actually know
for sure that it all works, anyway.  Yet!  :)

There are quite a few commercial products which support
tracing; there's stuff to be learned by seeing what they
do.  I don't know that any integrate with their QEMU
analogues though ... the ones I know about seem to focus
on simulation for early development, or for providing
cycle-accurate timings in advance of tracing cycle counts
on the actual hardware.  For performance work, that is.

- Dave

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