With the following reset config:

reset_config srst_only srst_pulls_trst

...revisions beyond 2620 could not load code to the i.MX35.  Revision 
2621 fixes the logic for srst/trst, so I tried messing around with that 
Changing my config to:

reset_config trst_and_srst combined

...makes everything work up to HEAD, including memwrite burst.  I do get 
these sorts of errors when loading code:

Error: Transfer errors 1
Error: Transfer errors 2
Error: Transfer errors 2
Error: Transfer errors 2
Error: Transfer errors 2

...but it works (and an order of magnitude faster than it did with 
'memwrite burst disable').

So it seems the whole problem was due to a faulty reset_config on my end. 
I do not have a good understanding of why my previous config half worked 
and the new one fully works, but I'm just happy to have HEAD working.

I do see that jtag.c disappeared at some point, so I don't know to where 
the craziness with the cmd_queue_end_state global variable [discussed 
under '2046 to 2047'] has been banished.


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