David Brownell wrote:
> Doesn't build:
>       stm32x.c: In function ‘stm32x_protect’:
>       stm32x.c:413: warning: too few arguments for format
> You need to compute that multiple.  :)
> Suggest you avoid such a LONG message in any case.
> Better:  "Invalid sector start/end; must be a multiple of %d sectors."

Yes, unusually silly of me. Quick patch, didn't check compiler output. Sorry 
about that. Anyway, how's this then:

= = = = = = =

 stm32x.c |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Index: src/flash/stm32x.c
--- src/flash/stm32x.c  (revision 2736)
+++ src/flash/stm32x.c  (working copy)
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
        if ((first && (first % stm32x_info->ppage_size)) || ((last + 1) && 
(last + 1) % stm32x_info->ppage_size))
-               LOG_WARNING("sector start/end incorrect - stm32 has %dK sector 
protection", stm32x_info->ppage_size);
+               LOG_WARNING("Error: start and end sectors must be on a %d 
sector boundary", stm32x_info->ppage_size);
                return ERROR_FLASH_SECTOR_INVALID;

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