Hi Tornado,

I have been using the fastdata patch for months now.  I use it to load a RAM
bootloader image onto dead/empty boards.  Then I use the bootloader to program
the flash. Without fastdata, RAM loading is too too slow to be useful.

Fastdata requires a working area in RAM to load and execute the handler routine.
 Since I am also loading a boot image file, I need the RAM configured anyway. I
setup the DDR controller on my SoC and use an area in RAM as the working area.
If a working area is not setup, the FASTDATA will fail to verify the downloaded

In mips32_pracc_fastdata_xfer() the handler is written to the working area using
word transfers, then the word at the handler entry is read to check if the
writes succeeded.  Failure here usually means the RAM is not setup correctly.

I setup RAM by issuing the same register writes and delays I see in the
bootloader RAM setup code. Other subsystem may also need initialization.  In my
case I have to also setup the PLL and disable the watchdog.

You can test the working area before using fastdata transfer using the mww and
mdw commands to confirm the RAM is working.

I have seen some errors when I use the fastdata loading more than once.  Seems
there is a reinitialize problem, but I haven't had the time to investigate.

Lastly, make sure your working area is pointing to the configured RAM address,
in my case it points into the uncached, unmapped area of RAM, and make sure the
image file upload does not overwrite the fastdata handler of course.

Let me know if this helps.

- David

Here are my configuration files


# AR71xx MIPS 24Kc SoC.
#daemon configuration
telnet_port 4444
gdb_port 3333
tcl_port 6666

source [find interface/olimex-jtag-tiny.cfg]

jtag_nsrst_delay 100
jtag_ntrst_delay 100

reset_config trst_and_srst

set CHIPNAME ar71xx
# jtag scan chain
# format L IRC IRCM IDCODE (Length, IR Capture, IR Capture Mask, IDCODE)
jtag newtap $CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 5 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0x1f -expected-id 1

set TARGETNAME [format "%s.cpu" $CHIPNAME]
target create $TARGETNAME mips_m4k -endian big -chain-position $TARGETNAME

ar71xx.cpu configure -event reset-init "script ar71xx.init"

# setup working area somewhere in RAM
ar71xx.cpu configure -work-area-phys 0xa0010000 -work-area-size 0x20000

reset init

and an example of RAM setup in ar71xx.init:

#setup PLL
# set GPIO to default to disable watchdog
# Setup DDR config and flash mapping
mww 0xb8000000 0xefbc8cd0       # DDR cfg cdl val (rst: 0x5bfc8d0)
mww 0xb8000004 0x8e7156a2       # DDR cfg2 cdl val (rst: 0x80d106a8)

mww 0xb8000010 8                # force precharge all banks
mww 0xb8000010 1                # force EMRS update cycle
mww 0xb800000c 0                # clr ext. mode register
mww 0xb8000010 2                # force auto refresh all banks
mww 0xb8000010 8                # force precharge all banks
mww 0xb8000008 0x31             # set DDR mode value CAS=3
mww 0xb8000010 1                # force EMRS update cycle
mww 0xb8000014 0x461b           # DDR refresh value
mww 0xb8000018 0xffff           # DDR Read Data This Cycle value (16bit: 0xffff)
mww 0xb800001c 0x7              # delay added to the DQS line (normal = 7)
mww 0xb8000020 0
mww 0xb8000024 0
mww 0xb8000028 0

tornado wrote:
> David,
> I read you email online and openocd developer list, and then joined it
> afterwards. I'm very interested in what your are trying to do here..I
> applied your patches against the current openocd SVN repo 17464.
> I have several broadcom based routers with mips32 processors in them,
> and wanted to try your code, the speedup could be very useful.
> However I'm getting a fastdata verify error when running:
> load_image CFEv4.BIN 0xa0500000
> I don't have the console open as Im writing this email, so that error
> could be off just a little..
> Could you send me any additional info, perhaps the .cfg your using,
> target, etc... I would very much like to see this work.
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