> Attached is an new patch that replace the previous one that had 
> some problems. 
> * I was not aware of that some interfaces operate on the JTAG 
>   bus in the initialization routine (the j-link issue a TLR). 
>   The clock must be configured by the initialization routine 
>   before the operation in this case. 
> * The interface initialization functions is expected to configure 
>   the clock speed by using the return value from a call to the 
>   jtag_get_speed function (although this convention is not followed 
>   by some of the interfaces, examples: arm-jtag-ew.c and vsllink.c). 
> This patch changes the jtag_get_speed function. Previously it 
> only returned the value set by the latest call to jtag_set_speed. 
> Now it calculate the speed value based on the latest speed, khz 
> or rclk setting. The correct value will now be returned when it 
> is called from the interface initialization function. 
> The name of the jtag_set_speed function is changed to 
> jtag_config_speed to be aligned with jtag_config_khz and 
> jtag_config_rclk. 
> The global jtag_set_khz function is merged into jtag_khz_to_speed 
> because external access do not seem to be sane. 
> Best regards 
> Jonas Hörberg 

committed r2590

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