thanks for that!
I was still under the impression that libftd2xx was a lot better than 
libftdi but I tried it now and it works just fine.
fixed both problems I had, too!!!

Xiaofan Chen schrieb:
> 2009/8/3 Michael Jäntsch <>:
>>  1. This issue has been around for some time in the svn. Some people
>>     have reported it but it hasn't really been fixed. When making
>>     openocd there is an error in finally linking openocd.
>>     With release v0.2 I do the following on my Ubuntu 9.04 machine:
>>     ./configure --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx
>>     --with-ftd2xx-linux-tardir=/home/jaentscm/Downloads/libftd2xx0.4.16
>>     make
>>     This has been reported before and can be fixed by manually linking
>>     and changing the order of the object files.
> I can not help you too much but why not use the
> libftdi (--enable-ft2232_libftdi) instead of the proprietory ftd2xx.
> Since you are using Linux, there is really no reason to use ftd2xx
> since now that the performance is comparable under Linux
> between the two library according to the benchmarks.

Technische Universität München
Michael Jäntsch
Fakultät für Informatik
Robotics and Embedded Systems
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München
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