
I'm porting OpenOCD to a new processor architecture and I've noticed that
there doesn't appear to be any support for the X and F GDB Stop Reply
Packets (http://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb_34.html#SEC724),
which are used to indicate that a process has exited (X) or to perform
system calls on the host (F). 

Also, there doesn't currently appear to be any support for signals other
than SIGINT & SIGTRAP. I think it would be useful if other common signals
such as SIGBUS, SIGILL and SIGSEGV could also be passed on, when applicable.

Looking at server/gdb_server.c, it should be fairly straight forward to do
by adding a few additional DBG_REASON_s. There shouldn't be any issues for
targets that don't support them - as the code will not be executed.

If I create a patch to add support for this, is it likely to be accepted, or
is there a reason there is no support for this?


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