On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 4:18 AM, Spencer Oliver<s...@spen-soft.co.uk> wrote:
> Don't get mingw build mixed up with native win32.
> You can build for native win32 in two ways
> 1. using cygwin with gcc -nocygwin option
> 2. using msys/mingw
> actually i also build for win32 on linux but that is another story.

Actually this can be the official way of building the Win32 binary. It
is often easier and faster to cross-build the Win32 binary under Linux
using MinGW than using Cygwin or MinGW/Msys under Windows.
The compiling speed is often several times faster under Linux.

> Using both works for me but it takes some work getting a working msys,
> you have to manually make most of the build tools.
> It is much easier to use cygwin with the -nocygwin option.
I agree with this one.

Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
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