On Jun 11, 2009, at 9:24 PM, Alain Mouette wrote:

I updated OpenOCD and got ut to this point:

installed libftd2xx0.4.16 in /usr/lib/
svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/openocd/trunk openocd
./configure --enable-ft2232-ftd2xx

and I get this error:
checking for ftd2xx.h... yes
checking for library containing FT_GetLibraryVersion... no
configure: error: You appear to be missing the FTD2xx driver library.

Is this something new? Please help,
Openocd-development mailing list

I'm pretty sure the link like will specify -lftd2xx. Since you installed libftd2xx0.4.16.a into /usr/lib, that will fail. You probably need a symlink from libftd2xx.a to that file.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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