On Tuesday 09 June 2009, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 7:37 PM, David Brownell<davi...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 09 June 2009, Ųyvind Harboe wrote:
> >> - make all reset event scripts run with background
> >>   events disabled.
> >
> > Surprises me that's not already the case...
> >
> > Note that output of "poll" doesn't say whether the timer
> > thing is active.  So it's pretty much hidden.
> >
> > Also, that the documentation doesn't mention *why* this
> > background activity might be desired.  Is there a better
> > reason than "that's how it's always been done"?
> An example of why this was done in the past is that when
> you type "resume", you want to get a message when the
> target halts. So when the command line is in idle, you poll.

Makes sense.

> However, I've given some thought to when polling should
> be active and perhaps we have gotten it wrong and
> *no* polling should be done.
> Instead we could define that a telnet session that shows
> a prompt is *NOT* idle, but rather that a telnet prompt waiting
> for input is polling the *active* target.
> So during execution of a command or when the telnet
> is closed and only gdb is running, there is no background
> polling.

That's what I would expect.  Only poll if the event could
happen, and there's a listener that cares about it.

And the only event of interest seems to be transitioning
from a "running" or "debug-running" state ... to something
else.  With the only listeners being the TCL shell, or in
some cases GDB (when a breakpoint or watchpoint fires).

> I'm not a great fan of numerous handlers that listens
> for events(control inversion) and invokes fn's that somehow
> have to figure out if it is time to do something or other...

Sometimes async/event-driven code is required.  I have a
similar aversion to code that tries to model async realities
in synchronous terms.  ;)

In this case there's true concurrency except when all the
targets are halted.  

- Dave
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