On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 12:49:49AM +0200, Patrick Wieland wrote:
> This is my first posting to this mailing list, so I friendly say 'hello' to 
> everyone :-)
> I am working on a OpenOCD dongle based on the FT2232H. I want to support 
> adaptive clocking, but I don't know how to accomplish this task. AFAIK there 
> are no FT2232 based designs with this feature available. My idea is to 
> measure 
> the frequency on RTCK with an microcontroller and send the value via the 2nd 
> MPSSE device of the FT2232H to OpenOCD. But I think that there had a lot of 
> modifications to the OpenOCD source code to be made to work this way, so my 
> question to is: Is there an easier way? 

Read the jtag appnote on their site, the info on where rtck should be
connected is burried somewhere in there. I found it once, but forgot
to write down the exact location.

> Best regard
> Rik
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